Chemspec Kill Odor

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SKU: KOR4G Category:

Neutralizes odors and odor-causing sources.


Chemspec Kill Odor is for use on mold, mildew, spore and fungi. Removes odors from urine, vomit, feces, smoke, perspiration, medicinal, rancid foods and oils. Features: Neutralize odors and odor causing sources. Effectively removes odors caused by urine, vomit, smoke, perspiration, medicine, rancid foods and oils. This chemical leaves a neutral scent.


As a pre-spray:

1. Dilute Kill Odor with 5 parts water. For very heavy odors, dilute with less water.

2. Using hard-pressure pump or electric sprayer, apply liberally to affected area with a course spray.

3. Allow to remain on affected area for as long as possible without drying. Then clean using generally accepted carpet cleaning techniques. If odor persists, repeat procedure.

4. If entire carpet needs treatment, the amount and dilution depends on the strength of the odor.

As a TruckMount or portable extraction machine deodorant:

1. The use of 1 oz. of concentrate in a 1 gallon of portable extraction machine ready to use cleaning solution or 8-10 oz. of concentrate in a TruckMount 5 gallon stock solution will freshen the carpet and the air.

2. If odor has settled in backing and pad, then a concentrated mixture should be applied with an injection needle directly to carpet back and pad.

For hard surface deodorization: 1. Effective in deodorizing hard surfaces areas that produce odors. Wipe, sponge, or mop affected area with a mixture of 2 oz. concentrate to each 1 gallon of water (1:64).

Caution: Do not use concentrated or diluted Kill Odor in a fogging machine.



FORM: Liquid concentrate

RTU PH: 8.40

Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 6 × 6 in


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